With my friends and family I am always chatting either through my Google or Facebook Messenger and texting. I also use this form of communication with many of my close colleagues. I love this type of communication and prefer that to talking on the phone. We can ask and answer questions quickly with chat and Messenger or respond when we have time with text. I also like communicating and collaborating face to face, but in today's busy world sometimes that is not possible without extensive scheduling!
I try very hard to be respectful of people's time so I most often e-mail questions to co-workers that need addressing and use that as our means of communication. This allows them to answer at a time that is convenient. It surprises me that many people do not respond to my e-mails and I often have to "find" them to ask questions or get answers. I think it has to do with time constraints and comfort level. Or maybe I just bug them?!?!
As a classroom teacher, most of my families did not have tech capabilities, so I did a lot of handwritten notes and such. I am hopeful that we will begin bridging this gap with parents and that they will see the value in using those smart phones (almost everyone has one) for communication.
Asynchronous Communications/Collaborations - I love all aspects of Google for asynchronous communication and collaboration. I can e-mail or share a document and people can respond when it is convenient. Which is cool and makes communication and collaboration less threatening. When people have time to sort their thoughts and compose their messages and work, it is more comfortable. The format of our Teaching in the Digital Age class allows for a lot of this type of communication.
Synchronous Communications/Collaborations - I have to say that I am an instant gratification girl, so this type of communication and collaboration is the one I enjoy most. If I have a question, I can quickly message/chat with a teacher or Rae and get the answer. I can hangout with other coaches instead of driving to where they are to get work done. I am a verbal / visual learner....which in my mind means I gotta hear it and talk about it and see it to learn it. So when I can be in the same room with someone, or in a hangout or a chat I am getting the best communication for me.
I know that I have much improvement to make with communication and collaboration. I need to start using more of the tools that we have been exposed to and find ways to make my emails more exciting and valuable to colleagues!
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