Monday, February 16, 2015

TPACK and SAMR and Digital Classroom....Oh my!

As I started planning this lesson I knew I wanted to combine my goal of increasing use of Google apps with increasing best practice in classrooms. And, to be fair, there may be a lot of people who are already doing this, but I know that many teachers still struggle with how to quickly and easily use the apps with students. I think that knowing what my purpose was made it easier to choose a format that I thought would be accessible to teachers and students.
I thought that using Google forms to create quick exit tickets, formative assessments, surveys or check-ins with students would increase student engagement, ramp up teacher use of technology, and provide invaluable, immediate feedback to drive instruction. While researching I found the add-on called Flubaroo which takes using Google forms up a notch by enabling teachers to grade quizzes and give feedback to students. I am excited to start using these strategies with my teachers. I feel that this in its basic form is augmentation, but realistically, as we teach students to use forms, share results with others, and embed reteaching into feedback we can move it to modification. 

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